Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How Do You Prepare for a Lawyer Consultation ?

When you need legal services in your work or personal life, you need to hire the right lawyer and also make a good impression yourself. Many lawyers in Toronto give a free initial consultation so that you can see if he is a good match for you. If you do not have experience with lawyers it is natural to wonder about how to present yourself, what to ask and so on. Do not expect to get legal advice at this first meeting as it is more about finding the right lawyer. 

Where do you begin?

Before the consultation you would have done some research to shortlist suitable legal professionals for your case. You need someone who specializes in the area that you need counsel in, for example, business law. It needs to be part of their regular practice. You can check the local bar association for referrals. If you know a lawyer you can ask him for a referral instead. Word of mouth recommendations may be very helpful. 

How can you check background information?

Do not be afraid to ask the right questions from your prospective lawyer because chances are, you will be paying him a lot of money to get your work done in a favorable manner. Ask for his experience and background in general. The basics may be on the law firm’s website but you should confirm any doubts during the consultation, so prepare in advance. Make the best use of the limited time you are given. You can check as to how many cases like yours he had handled in the past, where he has practiced law, and how long he has handled cases in your area. 

What other information should you bring up at the consultation?

You need to know what the basic plan will be for your particular case and the expected outcome. This can be an open ended question, not one to get at a decisive answer. This way you will be discussing more options and getting an idea of the lawyer’s way of thinking. Asking how long the case may take for resolution is also a good idea.

Website: https://www.pintojames.com/
Phone: (416) 479-0870

Friday, February 8, 2019

5 ways to Avoid And Resolve Partnership Disputes

Going into partnership is one way to make a successful business. You have someone to share ideas and work with and to celebrate when things go well. But what if the partnership becomes a problem?

How can you avoid partnership disputes?

1. Start with an operating agreement - When documentation is completed there is no room for doubts or guesswork. All partners sign that they are in agreement with the contents and they will have to abide by the agreement in future.

2. Hire a personal attorney – They can make the legal work simple for you should you need it. If your business is your career there is no need to take risks. If your partner if getting a lawyer to look after his interests it is important for you to get one too. In the long run, legal fees will never outweigh losing years of your life and thousands of dollars in trying to run a business.

3. Be proactive – There will be times when you need to address worst case scenarios when a problem arises. That way you and any partners can be prepared. Ask the hard questions: What would happen during a conflict? Can a business partner vote me out? These questions can make others uncomfortable but they give a clear road map to the future.

4. Think of “no deal” as acceptable rather than feeling frustrated about it. Partnership negotiations can take weeks so take your time to feel comfortable about the target. Make sure you are in agreement with your partner’s ethics and how he conducts himself during negotiations because they shed light on what type of partner he will be.

5. Find a partner with complementary skills. That way you will not be on each other’s turf and the business will also benefit from a multiple skill set.

How can a Toronto partnership and business disputes lawyer help your business?

A business of any size will benefit from legal advice from the professionals. Resolving business disputer require the services of a skilled negotiator who understands his client’s needs and aims for a successful outcome in the shortest possible time.

Website: https://www.pintojames.com/partnership-disputes

Phone: (416) 479-0870


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Common Types of Business Disputes

Managing a business comes with pros and cons. One of the disadvantages of running a business is dealing with business disputes, which is often inevitable. Not all business disputes require legal intervention however they can lead to stall your company, tarnish relationships and waste your precious time and money. A lawyer in Toronto ON answers questions related to business disputes.

What are the common business disputes?

Employment disputes
The issues related to employees may vary from benefits, contracts, terminations, and claims of discrimination. Some of these disputes can be avoided or even minimized by following legally precise contracts.

Inter-business disputes
When you're in an industry competing with other businesses, there's no way to avoid conflict. You are likely to come across various problems such as trademark infringement, interferences in contracts etc. In these situations, it is important to consult a professional to handle the situation.

Consumer conflicts
Your business cannot run without consumers however sometimes they can cause various conflicts. From negative online reviews to lawsuits the problems that you can come across vary. It is very important to be aware of the state laws before you operate a business and have a competent counsel prepared to help run your business smoothly.

How do you resolve business disputes?
There are three professional methods to resolve business disputes. Even though this is a vast topic and will vary according to the situation, the most common resolution methods are,

A neutral third party or professional mediator will help work out the conflicts between the two parties. Mediation will allow parties to vent out their issues openly.

An arbitrator is also a professional who works as a third party to resolve a dispute. The arbitrator will listen to both sides and will give a judgment, which will be considered final.  The difference between a mediator and arbitrator is that the former does not give judgment.

Litigation is the most common type of conflict resolution system. Civil litigation involves the offender and petitioner trying to resolve their problem before a judge and jury. The judge will be making the final decision along with the jury.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

What you need to know about Human Rights Lawyer Services Toronto?

Nowadays, human rights are standards that have been set up which allow a person to live with dignity, equality, freedom, justice, and peace. These rights apply to any person for the simple fact that they are a human being. Human rights are guaranteed to anyone without any distinction such as race, sex, color, religion, language, political opinion, social origin, birth, or other status. Many people regard human rights as moral principles, which apply to everyone. They are vital to the full development of individuals as well as communities.

Why are Human Rights important?

Human rights are an indication of the minimum standards that are required for a person to live with dignity. These rights give a person the freedom to choose how they express themselves, how they live, and which government they support, among other things. They also guarantee a person the means required to meet their basic needs such as food, water, housing, and education, which allow them to take full advantage of all opportunities. In addition, with the guaranteeing of life, equality, liberty, and security, human rights laws protect a person against abuse from entities more powerful than them. When considering human rights, they are a very complicated set of laws that can be difficult to navigate in legal situation without a Human Rights Lawyer services in Toronto.

How can a Human Rights Lawyer help?

A lawyer who is specialized in human rights can be of great assistance in legal case. They can help work through the complex web of human rights laws that apply to the case, and which can be beneficial to their client. They will represent businesses, organizations, and individuals when it comes to human rights cases. In addition to this, they will push human rights issues forward and defend them in courts, human rights tribunals, administrative law hearings, and labor grievance procedures.

Aside from this, human rights lawyers have experience in drafting anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies. They are able to offer fact-finding and investigation services with regards to human rights. In addition, a human rights lawyer can even design and deliver training, medic commentary, and education on human rights matters.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Lawyer for Civil Litigation in Mississauga ON

If you are seeking a lawyer for civil litigation in Mississauga, ON, look no further than the team of GAB Law Firm, including Mr. Gary Bennett.

What is civil litigation?

Civil litigation is the process in the courtroom that is used to dispute contracts or deal with issues that cannot be resolved through the criminal courts in Canada. Many of these issues are related to contract concerns, such as one party failing to follow through with a contractual agreement made in writing or orally. The idea behind civil litigation is to “right a wrong” and provide compensation to the party considered the “plaintiff.”

How can Mr. Gary Bennett help you with your civil litigation case?

The Canada courtrooms and laws can be extremely tricky to navigate for someone who is not familiar with them. It is important to have representation that has experience in the courtroom to provide the results individuals desire. Mr. Gary Bennett and his team can help with negotiations, writing of contracts, formulating court documents, organizing court exhibits, and providing a voice for you in front of the judge.

Can you go it alone in the courtroom?

Yes, individuals are allowed to represent themselves by going “pro se.” However, knowledge of the court system and experience with legal documents gives an individual great advantage over the other party. Working with a seasoned professional such as Mr. Gary Bennett can oftentimes provide clients with favorable outcomes.

What is the cost of representation?

Some cases can be billed on an hourly basis while others might result in a percentage of the recouped costs for an individual. Determining the exact cost of representation with Mr. Gary Bennett requires potential clients to book a consultation appointment with his team to discuss the nature of their specific case.

How can I contact Mr. Gary Bennett for representation?

Mr. Gary Bennett can be reached by calling GAB Law Firm at (365) 800-2090. The law office is located at 186 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 201 in Mississauga, ON.

To Learn More About: Civil Litigation        Please Visit: GAB Law Firm

Friday, October 20, 2017

Lawyer explains Separation Agreements in Mississauga ON

When a married or unmarried relationship ends, a separation agreement will normally be drawn up. This is a contract that will record the settlement of issues that have arisen during the relationship. Separation agreements are an inexpensive and effective method to settle matters in Mississauga ON. A requisite of such an agreement is that the terms must be fair. It is also important that both parties are in good terms following the end of the relationship that the deal can be negotiated.

What is the purpose of a Separation Agreement?

Parties that want to enter into a separation agreement will the process to be fairly straightforward. Both parties will start by discussing the issues that resulted from the breakdown of the relationship, ideally in consultation with their respective lawyers. The end goal is to attempt to arrive at a solution to each of the legal issues which is deemed satisfactory by both parties.

What does a Separation Agreement decide?

Custody and Visitation - should children be involved, custody details and visitation permissions and schedules will be discussed. It will be decided which parent will be given custody of which children, along with details of custody sharing. In addition to this, a visitation schedule for both parents will be decided on which both parties find to be satisfactory.

Child Support - the sum that each parent will have to pay as child support, and how often this payment will be made will be decided on as well.

Spousal Support - one or both parties will be given an amount that must be paid at specified intervals to the other as spousal support.

Homestead - if a family home is involved in the case, it will be decided which party will remain and which party will move out. In addition to this, which expenses regarding the family home will be handled by each party will be decided. 

Personal Property - in the case of personal property, the separation agreement will involve deciding how this property will be divided between both parties.

Please Visit: Bennett Law Chambers

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Divorce lawyer explains the division of family property in Mississauga ON

When two individuals get married, they will share a home together and eventually start a family together. During this time, they will acquire properties. In many cases, both partners will bring their personal belongings into the marriage. However, in the unfortunate event of a divorce, it will eventually lead to the division of family property. There is little that either party can gain by engaging in a bitter dispute with regard to family assets. When a marriage dissolves, the Family Law Act (FLA) dictates the property rights of the family’s assets. Part I of the FLA address general matrimonial property, while Part II is dedicated to matters regarding the matrimonial home.

How is family property divided during a divorce?

When considering the division of family property in Mississauga ON, the FLA comprises the guidelines used in this situation. During the division of family property, the value of the property that was acquired during the marriage will be equally divided between both parties through a process known as ‘equalization’. This process involves the calculation of the net family property (NFP) of both parties. A spouse’s NFP can be described as the difference values of assets from the date of marriage to the date of separation. The party that possesses the higher NFP will be obligated by the FLA to cover the difference in NFP. It should be noted that only half the difference in NFP must be covered.

What assets are taken into account as family property?

During the calculation of each party’s NFP, there are several assets that are considered. These include bank accounts, investments made, insurance policies taken, family home, automobiles, recreational motor vehicles, interest in a business, registered retirement savings plans, pensions, as well as money owed to a spouse, among other assets.

Please Visit: Bennett Law Chambers

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How Do You Prepare for a Lawyer Consultation ?

When you need legal services in your work or personal life, you need to hire the right lawyer and also make a good impression yourself....